Ellen Comerford is the CEO of Core De Vie Wellness, where she empowers people to create self-care through simple, effective steps in food, movement, and mindset. With over 40 years in the wellness space and 20 years leading Core De Vie, Ellen combines biomechanical science with health coaching, GYROTONIC®, and bodywork to help clients achieve optimal balance, mobility, and strength. Passionate about whole-body wellness, Ellen is dedicated to helping others live pain-free, energized lives by focusing on nutrition, movement, sleep, and mindset. When she’s not coaching, Ellen enjoys hiking, jumping into the ocean, and spending time with her family, including her husband Mark, daughter Jacki, and their two beloved dogs, Pasha and Freddy.
Virtual Group Classes
Virtual and/or in person sessions
Board Certified Holistic Health Coach, Institute of Integrative Nutrition
Nutrition Advisor, Nutrition Network
Health Coach, Genesis Transformation
Restorative Exercise Specialist – Personal Trainer through Katy Bowman’s Nutritious Movement
Movement and Postural Analyst through Tom Myers Kinesis
Master Trainer, GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS®, GYROTONIC® Specialized Equipment (Jump & Stretch Board, Leg Extension Unit, Gyrotoner), GYROKINESIS® Breathing Course, Lotus Blossom, Happy Moves).
GYROTONIC® applications for Running, Pregnancy, Scoliosis, Pelvic Girdle, Shoulder Girdle, Pathways to the hips, shoulders, and spine, the elite athlete, PSOAS, and Golf
Yamuna Body Logic Practitioner, Reiki, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Thai Massage
Yamuna Body Rolling Teacher Trainer, Yamuna Foot Fitness, Face, TMJ, Pregnancy, Bed Routines, Anatomy University
Pilates Mat and Equipment Trainer
Power Plate Teacher Trainer
Cross Core Teacher Trainer
TRX, Group Fitness Trainer, Personal Trainer
Ellen Comerford is a genius at her craft. She has a wealth of knowledge in the field of body alignment and incorporates several schools of thought in her treatment. I have suffered from chronic hip, knee and ankle pain since an injury 3 years ago, which has since healed but left my body unnaturally out of alignment. Ellen looked at my posture, taught me how I should be standing and distributing my weight on my feet and literally after one session I have regained so much flexibility. I can feel muscles that have been dormant for years actually firing up, which has taken the pressure off my joints. Every time I worked out, I felt that I wasn’t actually working my muscles because my body felt it was still injured so instead I would be fearing each lunge or squat would bring a sharp stab to my knees and every pose that relied on my hamstring in anyway would just remind me of the perpetual ‘knot’ I had come to live with. After the first session, I felt so free I went straight to a yoga class which for the first time in so long felt like it should – conditioning muscles in the correct way, not yanking on an old injury and making me miserable and unsteady/ untrusting of my knees. I have done physical therapy, seen chiropractors, tried multiple sessions of acupuncture, rolfing, graston, deep tissue, cortisol injections – nothing compares to the release and realignment I am feeling after just one session with Ellen. She understands fascia and how it controls muscles and bones throughout your entire body. She came recommended by Yamuna, who has a large online following and is a body practitioner in New York I was prepared to go see. I literally cried from relief several times during Ellen’s treatment and have happily done the exercises she has prescribed because they actually FEEL like they are making an impact and correcting my bad form. The studio is also lovely and if you are lucky, your treatment comes with her sweet dog, Pasha, roaming around and entertaining you. Ellen…THANK YOU!
I have been working with Ellen for several months to help a creaky/arthritic hip, and to prevent a total hip replacement. Utilizing Body Logic, core strengthening, and body alignment I have not only eliminated the need for any pain relief, but my PT has dismissed me from her practice as I have regained a normal range of motion. If someone is looking for a holistic approach to healing the body, working with Ellen is the way to go! She has years, and years of experience in the field with a wealth of knowledge that bridges several modalities. I can not believe the results, and am so glad that I found Ellen!
Ellen Comerford- the beautiful, informative, helpful and frankly MAGICAL owner is exceptionally gifted individual in ALL : Pilates, exercise- stretching to healing.***** I have had the blessing of going to her studio in Boston and on Nantucket.
As an active athlete whose desire is to be exercising non stop until my last breath: already had spinal surgery after ny marathon (DNA) arthritis. I was incapacitated – I tried my every possible homeopathic option available: none of which provided any relief. My knee surgery was scheduled for Thursday- my first session with Ellen was the Monday prior. I struggled with walking and had intense pain, swollen. AFTER my first session – I had a dramatic increase in mobility and my pain diminished greatly! SURGERY CANCELLED THANKS TO ELLEN. I’m so thankful to Ellen as Im back riding my bike 20 miles, golfing, dancing – she is a miracle worker – giving me the gift , the tools , the beneficial techniques to remain very active! Plus she’s a cool kind compassionate person! Look no more for Pilates massage and major help should you have sports injuries – age related hurdles !